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10/11/2007 Town Meeting
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2007

Call to Order
Vice Mayor Ford called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were 7 residents in attendance.

In attendance:  Mayor Mosley, Mr. Warrington, Chief Robshaw, and CMs Ford, Watson, Eldridge, and Callahan

Pledge of Allegiance

CM Watson requested to have the Farmer’s Market added as an item on the agenda.  

Mr. Colaresi suggested deferring item #11, Accepting – A Mutual Aid Agreement because the County has not approved the agreement, and Cheverly should not approve it until the County approves the agreement.  

CM Callahan requested to defer item #9, Public Hearing/Resolution – Amending the Urban Renewal Plan – 3302 Belleview Avenue until next month when CM Schachter is able to attend.  

Minutes – Town Meeting 9/13/07
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 9/27/07
§       CM Watson moved to excuse Mayor Mosley from the September 27, 2007 Worksession and to have the minutes reflect that Vice Mayor Ford presided over the meeting.  Seconded by CM Eldridge.  Unanimously approved.

Town Administrator Report
Mr. Warrington noted that the Mayor’s Council received a memo regarding the concrete batching plant hearing that began yesterday and will continue on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 9:00am in the County Administration Building.  Yesterday’s hearing consisted of expert testimony on behalf of the applicant.  On Tuesday, the testimony will continue and then they will hear testimony from concerned citizens.  

Mr. Warrington encouraged residents to review the Town Newsletter regarding the leaf collection schedule.  

CM Watson asked if the settlement is scheduled for next week for the Palm Reader and also what the final resolution was regarding the basketball court.  Mr. Warrington responded that the one basketball hoop was taken down as requested.  The settlement attorney for the Palm Reader issue had surgery, so they have scheduled the settlement for next week, barring any problems.

Police Department Report
Chief Robshaw reported that the violent crime statistics from last month as compared to the prior year were down 60%.

Chief Robshaw noted that the next CPAC meeting will be on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at 7:00pm in the new meeting room in the Police Station.  

Chief Robshaw introduced Ms. Washington who is the Manager of the CVS on Route 202.  CVS contributed many items needed for National Night Out and he presented Ms. Washington with a plaque in recognition of CVS’s contributions.  Ms. Washington offered CVS’s assistance with future Cheverly events, if requested.  

Mayor and Council Announcements
CM Watson discussed the Maryland Municipal League which begins next Thursday, and which he and CM Callahan will attend on behalf of the Town of Cheverly.  CM Watson encouraged other Council Members to attend some of the events, if possible.  

Mayor Mosley announced that there will be a Worksession on Thursday, October 25, 2007.  Worksession agenda items include designating the November Worksession date, tax incentive financing (TIF) update, and Cheverly as a Peace Town discussion prior to voting on the initiative at the November Town Meeting.

CM Eldridge requested to add a discussion on the trails to the Worksession agenda.  Mayor Mosley agreed to add the item to the agenda.

CM Watson requested to add a discussion on the Columbia Park Road Ridge pedestrian signals to the Worksession agenda.  Mayor Mosley agreed to add the item to the agenda.

Mayor Mosley noted she was also going to add a discussion on the green infrastructure committee to the Worksession agenda.

Committee Reports

Recreation Council
No report presented as there were no members from the council present.

CM Eldridge reminded everyone that the Cheverly Flea Market will be held in the Community Center on Saturday, October 20 from 9:00am – 2:00pm.  He also noted that the Cheverly Halloween parade and party will be held on Saturday, November 3, 2007.  The event begins at Gast Park at 11:15am and then will travel over to the Community Center.  

Cheverly Day Report
Nick D’Angelo  announced that Cheverly Day will be on Saturday, May 17, 2008.  

Nick D’Angelo reported that The Cheverly Day Committee awarded $1,000 to the Friends of Lower Beaver Dam.  

Nick D’Angelo announced that there will be a Cheverly Day meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 7:30pm in the Community Center Office.  All are welcome and they welcome new ideas!  

CM Watson discussed the Cheverly Day Semi-Annual Tennis Tournament, which is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 9:00am at Euclid Park.  The goal is to have one tournament in the fall and then one tournament around Cheverly Day.    

Nick D’Angelo acknowledged Alan Lewine, the Cheverly Day Entertainment Director who is moving to Philadelphia, and wished him well.  

Mayor Mosley noted that the Council needs to discuss if the Council is going to commit to sponsoring the dance again this year and the budget for the event.  

Nick D’Angelo noted that if anyone has any questions to contact him at  Nick D’Angelo and Mayor Mosley noted that ideas and volunteers are always needed for the event.     

Citizen Input
Joyce Lange of Ward 4 at 6424 Forest Road updated everyone on the potential Community of Peace program.  She is excited by the support and interest expressed by the community.  Joyce Lange noted that there are 70 additional names on the list of supporters of the Community of Peace program in addition to the names she submitted several months ago.  Some activities have already been planned, such as having two tables at the Home and Garden Tour this Sunday for children to make quilt squares and the Women’s Club having a panel dedicated to Martin Luther King’s stance on peace at its Black History Celebration.  Some other ideas that are being considered are a peace concert, scout activity, school activity, and a peace garden activity.  

Crystal Lal of Ward 6 at 2903 64th Avenue reported on the tremendous success of the Farmer’s Market, which occurred on Saturday, October 6, 2007.  Due to the excellent turn out and how quickly items sold out, Scott Hertzburg  and several other vendors are willing to come back for additional Farmer’s Markets.  Scott Hertzburg  offered to come back on Saturday, October 27, 2007 to sell pumpkins, and Crystal Lal thought they could possibly attach a pumpkin carving contest to the event.  An additional possibility is to have another farmer’s market on Saturday, November 17, 2007 so residents can purchase items for Thanksgiving.  Mayor Mosley asked Mr. Warrington what would need to be done in preparation for the two additional Saturday events.  Mr. Warrington expressed concern regarding bad weather, so he would want to check with Barbara on the availability of the gym as an alternate location.  Crystal al noted that most vendors have their own tents, so an alternate location may not be necessary.  The main concern will be if residents will come out in the bad weather.  Mayor Mosley thanked Crystal Lal and CM Schachter for all of their assistance with putting together the Farmer’s Market.  Mayor Mosley asked to have the information about the additional Farmer’s Markets placed on the website and emailed to website subscribers.  Crystal Lal already created a sign and she will coordinate with Public Works to put up the sign the Monday prior to each Farmer’s Market.  

Dan Smith with the Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek announced that in addition to the Green Home and Garden Tour there will be an eco-expo on Sunday from 1:00pm – 4:00pm at the Community center, which will include vendors from around the area who offer green products and services.  On Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 3:00pm, the Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek will offer a Creating a Nature Journal program.  Dan Smith also announced that on Saturday, October 27, 2007 from 9:00am – 12:00pm, they will host a Trail Maintenance program to help revitalize the trail.  Extra wheelbarrows are needed and welcomed!  The Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek will have a meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 7:30pm at the Methodist Church.     

Patrick Smith at 2423 Parkway recommended starting a youth committee that plans an event every month with the goal of getting the youth to meet at a common place for some positive interaction.  The youth committee would target children ages 13-19.  Patrick Smith noted some activities under consideration for the committee.  Two additional citizens also expressed interest in starting the youth committee; Kush Abadey  at 6200 Kilmer Street and Mahadeo Persuad at 2805 Parkway.  Mayor Mosley noted that a youth committee already exists, but that it currently did not have any adults heading the committee.  The responsibilities have been divided between CMs Ford and Eldridge, and they will meet with the three citizens interested in the youth committee.

Public Hearing/Resolution – Amending the Urban Renewal Plan – 3302 Belleview Avenue

Resolution R-9-07 – Appointing a Ward 1 Ethics Commission Member
Mayor Mosley noted that the Ethics Commission works with any ethics complaints and renders decisions and they also answer questions from citizens and the Council.  Mr. Warrington noted that the reason for the vacancy is due to Janet Baxter moving out of town.  CM Callahan acknowledged the wonderful job Janet Baxter did for the Ethics Commission.  

§       CM Callahan moved to pass resolution R-9-07 appointing Laila Riazi as the Ward 1 Ethics Commission Member.  Seconded by CM Eldridge.  Unanimously approved.

Mayor Mosley noted the other Commission Members are Jack Stemly for Ward 2, Paul Frietag  for Ward 3, Kenneth Jones for Ward 4, there is not a member for Ward 5, and Tony Thomas for Ward 6.    
Accepting – A Mutual Aid Agreement
Farmer’s Market
Please see the Citizen Input section of the minutes for discussion on the Farmer’s Market.

Additional Comments
§       CM Eldridge moved to excuse CM Schachter from the meeting.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
October 11, 2007

1. CM Watson moved to excuse Mayor Mosley from the September 27, 2007 Worksession and to have the minutes reflect that Vice Mayor Ford presided over the meeting.  Seconded by CM Eldridge.  Unanimously approved.

2. CM Callahan moved to pass resolution R-9-07 appointing Laila Riazi  as the Ward 1 Ethics Commission Member.  Seconded by CM Eldridge .  Unanimously approved.

3. CM Eldridge moved to excuse CM Schachter from the meeting.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.